Marzena Wojcik

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8 Books to add to your Reading list for Fall 2023!

Lifestyle hacking and self help has been dominating podcast and books lately. Almost too much information on topics like mindfulness, habits, and lifestyle.

We can get overwhelmed and sort of addicted to hearing about these lifestyle hacks and want to listen to more and more, thinking it will help us.

But it’s not until we apply the information that we are hearing will it truly help us. There is such a thing as over consumption of self help and it in the end it may not be helpful.

Taking some some action on the advice shared is key, whether that be a habit change, or perhaps incorporating a way of thinking to help you stay away from worry and fear. Or learning about self awareness through practices like meditation can help us live a happier life.

Here is a list of 8 books that you can add to your reading list this fall, to feel inspired to make shifts in your life to a happier and more fulfilled life.

Don’t wait till the new year.

Whether its advice on avoiding burnout, or living life more mindfully, the books listed below may inspire you to take action. To start thinking about what habits you can perhaps add, or remove from your life. And so you can feel more at peace and live a balanced life.

I've read these books these last few years and recommend reading them if you are interested in growth, finding your full potential and learning more about mindfulness.

One thing I noticed is the theme of these books it is very focussed on the heart, opening our hearts, not caring what others think, and just enjoying your own journey. One book is about forming habits and how they are important, for example if you want to be mindful you have to incorporate habits so what better way to give you a book that sort of reinforces the other books.

Happy reading and taking action to have a more mindful life and to perhaps help you live more at peace.

Enjoy the journey of life, after all it’s the only thing that you have and that you can somewhat control and show up in.

Working, obligations, life in general can be stressful and hard at times. I work in the corporate world, and find it fast paced, and overwhelming at times. Beyond a regular yoga practice, breath work (pranayama) and meditation included in the mix, nothing beats new knowledge, or new perspectives we can adapt from READING!

Reading self help is my jam, and anything about productivity, as I strive to be a corporate balanced bitch! One who can work hard Monday to Friday, have time for relaxation and achieve it all. All while maintaining equanimity in life, overall.

Without having tools in our tool boxes, of how to emotional, physically and mentally care for ourselves, we can stress, be tired all the time, maybe even a sour mood and eventually reach burn out.

To add to your regimen of whatever you do to nurture your body, mind and soul, add at least one (if not all) book from the list below.

Here are my book recommendations to add to your 2023 reading list!!

  1. "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle" by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski.

  2. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

  3. “Stillness is the Key” by Ryan Holiday

  4. “The Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck” by Mark Manson

  5. “Unthetered Soul” by Michael Singer

  6. "The Neuroscience of Mindfulness: The Astonishing Science behind How Everyday Hobbies Help You Relax" Stan Rodski

  7. “Atlas of the Heart” by Brené Brown

  8. “Journey to the Heart” by Melody Beattie

Book highlights and TL; DR to get you to know the gist of what the 8 books are about:

  1. "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle" by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

    I love this book because it talked about how we accumulate so much stress throughout the day, that we need some sort of release specially physical, like exercise or even a ritual of some kind to help burn off that stress.

    Our obligations, our jobs, tasks, commitments both personal and work wise really pressure on us and can be stressful unless we do things to manage that stress and accumulate so much within our bodies and overwhelm our minds that we reach the point of burn out. Will have to read it to understand more of what burnout is exactly but the gist is that when you’re emotionally exhausted and you run out of gas in your gas tank that is what happens to you. you just become depleted and unwilling to even contribute anything as you’re just so exhausted.

    "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle" by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski. This book explores the concept of burnout and offers insights on how to manage and overcome it. The TL;DR for "Burnout" would be:

    - Burnout is a result of uncompleted stress cycles.

    - Recognize the signs of burnout, including physical and emotional symptoms.

    - Learn to complete stress cycles through various methods like exercise, self-care, and connection.

    - Challenge societal and cultural expectations that contribute to burnout.

    - Prioritize self-compassion and self-care to prevent and recover from burnout.

    This book provides practical advice and insights to help individuals understand and address burnout in their lives.

  2. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

    "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is a self-help book that provides practical advice on how to build and maintain good habits while breaking bad ones.

    I’ve watched a lot of podcasts with James Clear and finally picked up the book to read myself. This book teaches you how to effectively create less friction for the habits that you want, the good habits versus creating more friction with the habits that you define to yourself as bad habits. He talks about how it takes a lot of discipline to build those habits but if you have a system in place it becomes easier to do those habits. The name of the book speaks a little bit to what he discusses about small actions make the habit, atomic sort of speak.

    The book's key points can be summarized as follows:

    1. The Power of Small Changes: Clear emphasizes the idea that small, incremental changes in your habits can lead to significant long-term improvements in your life.

    2. The Four Laws of Behavior Change: Clear introduces four laws that govern habit formation: Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward (Cue-Craving-Response-Reward cycle).

    3. Make Good Habits Obvious: To build a positive habit, you should make the cue for that habit obvious and easy to notice.

    4. Make Bad Habits Invisible: Conversely, you should make the cues for negative habits less visible or more difficult to access.

    5. Make Good Habits Attractive: Find ways to make good habits appealing and enjoyable, so you're more likely to stick with them.

    6. Make Bad Habits Unattractive: Make the consequences of bad habits less appealing by highlighting their negative outcomes.

    7. Make Good Habits Easy: Simplify the process of performing good habits to make them easier to incorporate into your daily routine.

    8. Make Bad Habits Hard: Increase the friction associated with bad habits to make them more challenging to engage in.

    9. Use Habit Tracking: Clear recommends tracking your habits to create accountability and maintain awareness of your progress.

    10. Stay Committed: Continuously focus on improving your habits over time, even when progress is slow.

    11. The Two-Minute Rule: If you're struggling to start a habit, begin with a task that takes just two minutes to complete. This makes it easier to initiate the habit.

    12. Habit Stacking: Build new habits by linking them to existing ones, creating a sequence of behaviors that become routine.

    13. Environment Matters: Your physical environment can influence your habits, so design it to support your desired behaviors.

    14. Identity-Based Habits: Instead of setting specific goals, focus on adopting the identity of the person you want to become, which can reinforce positive habits.

    15. Plateau of Latent Potential: Habits often take time to yield visible results, so be patient and trust the process.

    In essence, "Atomic Habits" provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and changing your habits to achieve personal and professional growth. It emphasizes the significance of small, consistent actions and offers practical strategies for habit formation and maintenance. A must read for catching that stride in better habits.

  3. "Stillness is the Key" by Ryan Holiday

    "Stillness Is the Key" is a book by Ryan Holiday that explores the importance of finding inner calm and stillness in a fast-paced, chaotic world. It emphasizes how cultivating moments of peace and clarity can lead to better decision-making, creativity, and overall well-being. The book provides insights and practical advice on how to achieve this stillness in various aspects of life.

    Here are some key points from Ryan Holiday's book "Stillness Is the Key":

    1. The Importance of Stillness: Holiday argues that in a world filled with noise, distractions, and constant busyness, finding moments of stillness is essential for mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

    2. Historical Examples: The book draws on the lives of historical figures like John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, and Marcus Aurelius to demonstrate how they used stillness to overcome challenges and make wise decisions.

    3. Inner Peace: Holiday discusses the idea that inner peace and calm are not only desirable but also achievable through practices such as meditation and mindfulness.

    4. The Present Moment: The book encourages readers to be present and fully engaged in the moment, rather than constantly worrying about the past or future.

    5. The Ego and Desire: Holiday explores how the ego and our desires can disrupt our pursuit of stillness. He suggests that practicing self-control and detachment from material desires can lead to greater inner peace.

    6. Stoicism: Holiday is heavily influenced by Stoic philosophy, which emphasizes self-control, rational thinking, and acceptance of things beyond our control. He relates Stoic principles to the pursuit of stillness.

    7. Silence and Solitude: The book discusses the benefits of solitude and the value of quiet moments for reflection and self-discovery.

    8. Physical Health: Holiday also highlights the importance of physical well-being and how activities like exercise and proper sleep can contribute to stillness of the mind.

    9. Discipline: Developing discipline and routines in one's life is seen as a key to achieving stillness. Holiday advocates for setting boundaries, managing time effectively, and saying no to distractions.

    10. Practical Techniques: Throughout the book, there are practical techniques and exercises that readers can use to incorporate stillness into their daily lives.

    Overall, "Stillness Is the Key" offers a guide to finding peace and clarity in a noisy and chaotic world, drawing from various philosophical traditions and historical examples to provide valuable insights and practical advice.

  4. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson

    Mark Manson's book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," advocates a practical and counterintuitive approach to finding happiness and meaning in life. This book is a good one for truly living in your own power and not giving a fuck about what others think of you. When we can be confident in our skin but also be confident with our flaws, it can be so empowering which in this book, Manson outlines why not to give a fuck.

    Here's a quick summary:

    1. Stop caring about everything: Focus on what truly matters to you and let go of trivial concerns.

    2. Embrace discomfort: Life is full of problems; learn to confront them and grow from them.

    3. Choose your values: Define what's important to you and align your actions with those values.

    4. Accept responsibility: Take ownership of your life and decisions, even in difficult circumstances.

    5. Embrace mortality: Recognize that life is finite, making your choices and experiences more meaningful.

    6. Don't always seek happiness: Pursue a sense of purpose and fulfillment instead.

    In summary, the book advises readers to prioritize what truly matters, be comfortable with discomfort, and live according to their core values to find a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

  5. “Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer

    "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer is a book that explores spiritual growth, self-awareness, and the concept of freeing oneself from the limitations of the ego. Here's a key point summary:

    1. The Observer Self: Singer emphasizes the importance of becoming the observer of your thoughts and emotions, recognizing that you are not these thoughts and feelings, but rather the consciousness that observes them.

    2. Letting Go: The book encourages readers to release the inner barriers, fears, and attachments that hold them back, ultimately leading to a more liberated and authentic existence.

    3. Quiet the Mind: Singer discusses the incessant chatter of the mind and the benefits of quieting the mind through meditation and mindfulness practices to find inner peace.

    4. Embracing the Present Moment: He advocates for being present in the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, as a path to inner freedom.

    5. Unconditional Happiness: Singer argues that happiness should not be dependent on external circumstances; true happiness is found by tapping into the wellspring of joy within oneself.

    6. Spiritual Awakening: The book guides readers towards a spiritual awakening, where they can experience a profound sense of connection to the universe and a deep inner peace.

    7. Inner Energy: Singer discusses the concept of harnessing inner energy to experience a higher state of consciousness and navigate life with grace and ease.

    "The Untethered Soul" is a spiritual guide that encourages readers to free themselves from the constraints of the ego, embrace the present moment, and experience inner peace and happiness by connecting with their true selves. It offers insights and practices for personal transformation and a more liberated way of living.

  6. "The Neuroscience of Mindfulness: The Astonishing Science behind How Everyday Hobbies Help You Relax" Stan Rodski

    A book that explains how mindfulness practises can change our brain. This one’s a great one to discover how doing practises like meditation or anything that helps to be mindful, the doctors example in the book is his colouration therapy whereby you colour and I tell you do not really allowing the mind to think necessarily on anything but the coloring. This one’s a good one for those that like science-based research.

    "The Neuroscience of Mindfulness: The Astonishing Science behind How Everyday Hobbies Help You Relax" by Stan Rodski explores how engaging in everyday activities and hobbies can have a calming and mindfulness-inducing effect on the brain. The book delves into the scientific basis of how these activities influence our mental well-being and provides insights into the neurological processes that occur when we engage in practices like knitting, gardening, or other hobbies. Rodski draws from neuroscience research to explain how these activities can help reduce stress, increase relaxation, and promote a sense of mindfulness and well-being in our lives. The book offers a unique perspective on mindfulness and relaxation, connecting it to the activities we often enjoy in our daily lives.

  7. “Atlas of the Heart” by Brené Brown

    The book was a long anticipated book from Brené Brown who is author of books like Daring Greatly, Dare to lead. The book is a map to our emotions to help us learn to better explain how and what we feel. Brené Brown feels that if you understand more about the underlying emotions that you can better express yourself and improve your relationships with others. Living life with an open heart.

    Another great book that has science-based research that Brené Brown herself has conducted.

    "Atlas of the Heart" is a book by Brené Brown that explores various emotions, experiences, and insights related to human connection and emotional well-being. The book is structured around emotions and themes, and it offers a comprehensive map of the human heart.

    Here's a concise summary:

    1. Emotions and Connection: The book delves into various emotions and experiences that shape human connections, including love, joy, heartbreak, vulnerability, and shame.

    2. Navigating Emotions: Brené Brown provides tools and strategies for understanding and navigating complex emotions in order to foster deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

    3. Stories and Research: The book combines personal stories and extensive research to provide a balanced and relatable exploration of the human experience.

    4. Cultivating Resilience: Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, empathy, and self-compassion in building resilience and fostering authentic connections.

    5. Practical Insights: Throughout the book, readers will find practical advice and actionable insights for improving relationships, embracing vulnerability, and living a more wholehearted life.

    "Atlas of the Heart" is a guide to understanding and embracing the full range of human emotions in the context of building stronger and more meaningful connections with others. It's a resource for personal growth and improving the quality of our relationships.

  8. "Journey to the Heart" is a book by Melody Beattie

    A daily reading that’s guided through her journey across and in the USA and how embracing change, vulnerability, love and living life with open heart can bring happiness to your life. Daily reminders on how to be not only compassionate with oneself but to really bringing you to the present moment.
    The daily messages become a part of a morning or evening ritual I can make a positive impact to your mood, Open your mind and open your heart.

    If you’re looking for a book to read daily this one is a goodie especially if you want to work on having a more open heart and create an abundance in your life.If you’re looking for a book to read daily this one is a goodie especially if you want to work on having a more open heart and create an abundance in your life.

    "Journey to the Heart" is a book by Melody Beattie that offers daily meditations and reflections on various aspects of personal growth, healing, and spirituality. It encourages readers to connect with their inner selves and find inner peace and strength. The book provides daily insights and practices to help individuals live more authentically and in harmony with their true selves.

Hope this blog post has inspired you to take action, after all we are in the driver seat to our own lives and our happiness. 

Be well!

Written and compiled by Marzena Wojcik with the help of ChatGPT.

Atomic Habits Video below…book by James Clear

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